Tuesday, March 8, 2011

International Women’s Day: One Hundredth Year

This year marks the one hundredth anniversary of the first International Women’s Day celebration. Even though women have come far in terms of political enfranchisement, social inclusion, and personal aspirations since that initial day in March 1911, women still struggle and strive to lead complete lives in the face of opposition today. As I write this, women in the Middle East are leaders in the overthrowing of decades long ruling dictators and their hope is to bring a new freedom to that troubled and tradition-ridden region. But in addition to recognizing the sacrifices of all the nameless women over the decades, today I would like to acknowledge the international women who I know and who are friends.

Most of these women I met when I, myself, lived an international life. However, the woman who starts off the list is someone I have not met in person. We are virtual friends who met through a friend suggestion on that social media phenomena know as Facebook. Let the celebrating begin!

Alessandra is Italian and lives in Rome (a city that I have visited and hope to return). She is a translator and a poet, and we share an interest in art. - we’ve both been to Monet’s place in Giverny, France. I’m sure it would be great to meet Alessandra in the real world someday!

Domino is Belgian and lives in Brussels (a city in which I’ve lived and enjoyed). She works in an international firm and it was in that firm that we met. Like me, Domino is also a “Visual” person, though of a more practical and productive type. And most importantly, shared laughter!

Isabelle is French and is from Marseille (a city that I have yet to visit, but would like to experience). We met in Brussels during my preliminary visit before moving to Belgium and the department retreat to Le Touquet, France - the first of many more fun times. Salut Isabelle!

Jaana is Finnish and is from Kuortane (a city that I have visited and would again, if just for Jaana’s mother’s wonderful farm cheese). We met in Brussels and she now lives in Waterloo (yes, that Waterloo). We share a love of France and memories of good times in Belgium, the Netherlands, and of course, Finland!

Nita is Spanish and lives in Belgium. Once again, it was in the city of Brussels where we met. Nita was also at the Le Touquet retreat – my first gathering with future colleagues and friends. The beginning of life at work with talks, lunches, and laughs!

Teija is Finnish and lives in Helsinki (a city that I have visited and would like to see again). She is a traveler and tour guide and we met on a weekend trip to Amsterdam (a city full of bicycles and bridges). We share a love of traveling and when touring, Teija presents “educational moments”. Kippis Teija!

Happy International Women’s Day Everyone!

Left: An official International Women’s Day logo from the website internationalwomensday.com
Center: A personal International Women’s Day graphic created by Adrean Darce Brent
Right: An International Women’s Day button from the late Twentieth century

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