Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday Morning Museum: Charles Rettew Sheeler, Jr.

Charles Rettew Sheeler, Jr. – Monday 16 July 1883 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Friday 7 May 1965 Dobbs Ferry, New York

American Precisionist Painter and Photographer

I chose to feature this Sheeler work – Winter Window, 1941 – simply because I like the uncomplicated and uncluttered image with its straight lines and single object delineations of the foreground and middle ground. However, I do think that the top 25% of the painting does not add anything to the image and perhaps detracts from it.

Last Monday’s Artist - Édouard Manet
Next Monday’s Artist - Berthe Morisot

Left: View of New York, 1931 from the website
Center: Criss-Crossed Conveyors, River Rouge Plant, Ford Motor Company, 1927 from the website
Right: Windows, 1952 from the website
Below: “Monday Morning Museum” logo created by Adrean Darce Brent

Monday Morning Museum logo created by Adrean Darce Brent

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